Ralph and Maida's home page, with photos from raft trips and other adventures

Tatshenshini-Alsek (August 2003)
This was a wonderful trip -- 11 days of reasonably good weather and spectacular scenery. There aren't any pictures of the first day, which has a lot of whitewater, or the last, which has a lot of ice. But the rest will give you some idea of what it was like.

A family trip to Horodenka, in the Ukraine , returning via Vienna and Paris
(August 2005).

The Grand Canyon (June/July 2006)
What can I say? It was even better than the Tat. The slideshow is better, too. Enjoy.

The Copper River in Alaska from Chitina to Cordova (July 2007)
Spectacular weather and another great trip. Pictures by Trevor Reeve and Lori Dodd.

Comments and questions addressed to Ralph Tryon are always welcome.